5 Tips About What You Should Know If You Want Child Custody

People who don’t know anything about their kids aren’t likely to gain child custody. Understandably, a judge won’t be inclined to trust a parent who doesn’t bother to learn those things that are important to their child’s daily life. Here are a few things you should be able to talk about when you take the witness stand:

1. Who has provided day care for your child? A parent who doesn’t know where his child spends most of his day won’t impress the divorce judge with his sincerity about child custody. The mother or father who has been involved in obtaining child care will know how the child is doing in the facility. She will know how her child is getting along with other children, what activities he or she enjoys, and what the center’s routine is regarding snacks and meals if relevant. She will also know what help the child needs, if any, and will be able to talk about what steps are being taken to remedy the problem.

2. Does your child require special care? If he does, the court will not be impressed if you aren’t well versed in the nature of your child’s medical problem and what treatments or medicine he or she has been advised to take. Even if your child is healthy, you should know the name of your child’s doctor, and should be able to discuss his last visit. This advice also applies to dentists, counselors, or anyone else who is rendering a professional service to your child.

3. If you know anything about your child’s schooling, you should know who is teaching him. You should know what grades he is getting, and what was said at the last parent / teacher meeting. You should also be familiar with the scheduling of school programs and clubs in which your child is involved.

Again, if your child has a problem in the classroom, you should know what it is, and have a plan to correct it. Give yourself plenty of time to review report cards and evaluations which teachers and school counselors have prepared. If you ask for these things at the last minute, your testimony will reflect your lack of real knowledge, and the judge won’t be impressed.

4. Who are your child’s friends? What does he like to play? What hobbies or sports does he enjoy? A working knowledge of your child’s leisure time goes straight to the question of whether you are likely to provide adequate supervision.

5. What food does she like? What food does he refuse to eat? How many meals or snacks does he have in a day? This inquiry may not be as important for an older child. However, for small fry, it is important for you to know how to keep them healthy.

The better you know your child, the more the judge will believe that you can focus on his best interests. And, That, more than anything is the most important thing for the court to consider.