A Real Estate Attorney Can Turn Your Entrepreneurial Ideas Into Action

Zoning is the fascinating study of how cities and towns evolve as well as maintain historical centers, architectural details, noise ordinances, traffic patterns, and many other intricate details of major and minute importance. Zoning is an essential aspect of your town to know if you plan on constructing or opening a business. These rules and regulations will inform you about what kind of business you may operate, how you can go about your construction, and the means by which you must obtain permission.

Changing Code Enforcement

Did you know that code enforcement and zoning laws change all the time? Did you know that with the help of a real estate attorney you can actually petition to change them? It could be something simple like petitioning the neighbors of your proposed site. If they are interested in the business that you have proposed to construct, such as a coffee shop that sells freshly baked muffins and great coffee in the morning, chances are high that your neighbors will sign the petition.

Possible Limitations

Some locations, however, may have more than just neighbors to contend with. Historic district limitations may dictate what can and can’t be done in a particular area. Some areas are limited by parking contingencies or noise restrictions – but they are venture specific, and a real estate attorney can help you determine if this is something that has good potential for a zoning change and what the key parameters might be. Buildings that look empty, abandoned, or underutilized may have title or tax issues that need to be cleared before anyone can move forward with any future plans. To you and your neighbors, it may appear as a confusing waste of space, but a real estate attorney can use their professional resources to research the property and advise if changing the zoning or challenging the title or taxes of an empty space is worth the time and effort.

Starting with the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney can get your business plan and timeline on track. Bureaucracy does not have the reputation of being the most expeditious process. While the actual approval may be quite simple, review boards often meet infrequently to make determinations and policy changes, and some determinations even require multiple meetings, permits, and reviews. It is wise to go into any venture with your eyes wide open about every possibility, limitation, and potential hold-up.

Give yourself and your great local business idea every possible opportunity for success by hiring a real estate attorney to help you navigate zoning regulations.